So some of you went wild, exactly what they (JW) said you would do. LOL But you had fun and that is what count. The best time I had working as a bartender, the stories I was told oh man.......
James Mixon
JoinedPosts by James Mixon
What's The First "Worldly" Thing You Did When You Exited The Cult?
by pale.emperor inwhen you finally and officially exited the cult, whether it be by disfellowshipping, disassociating or fading - what was the first things you did that are considered "worldly"?.
for me, it was like crash landing on another planet that looked like earth but was completely different to the earth i knew.
i wanted to learn everything that i thought i already knew.. first things i did:.
Evangelist D. Odgaard "The change in America seemed to happen so quickly that it felt like whiplash".
by James Mixon inmr odgarrd refused to rent the quaint site to two gay men for a wedding.
he told them "i can't take your money, and we don't do anything for free.the men filed a civil rights complaint and won, awarded $5,000.
the odgaards had built their church over 13 years into an art gallery,bistro,flower shop and a framing service.
James Mixon
Mr Odgarrd refused to rent the quaint site to two gay men for a wedding. He told them "I can't take your money, and we don't do anything for free.The men filed a civil rights complaint and won, awarded $5,000. The Odgaards had built their church over 13 years into an art gallery,bistro,flower shop and a framing service. After the controversy, regular customers stopped coming. Friends and family members stopped speaking to them. They were vilified as bigots and haters. He stated one day they felt comfortably situated in American majority, as Christians with shared beliefs in God, family and the Bible. Overnight, it seemed, they discovered that even in small town Iowa they were out numbered, isolated and unpopular. Everyone they knew seemed to have a gay relative or friend. A year ago, they sold their church. End of story.
Article "Evangelicals' Turmoil...Split over Trump cut off by culture wars, many feel abandoned".
What's The First "Worldly" Thing You Did When You Exited The Cult?
by pale.emperor inwhen you finally and officially exited the cult, whether it be by disfellowshipping, disassociating or fading - what was the first things you did that are considered "worldly"?.
for me, it was like crash landing on another planet that looked like earth but was completely different to the earth i knew.
i wanted to learn everything that i thought i already knew.. first things i did:.
James Mixon
VI: You lost your virginity to a Concubine, that sounds a little better. It was good enough for men in the Bible, no problem.....
What's The First "Worldly" Thing You Did When You Exited The Cult?
by pale.emperor inwhen you finally and officially exited the cult, whether it be by disfellowshipping, disassociating or fading - what was the first things you did that are considered "worldly"?.
for me, it was like crash landing on another planet that looked like earth but was completely different to the earth i knew.
i wanted to learn everything that i thought i already knew.. first things i did:.
James Mixon
Made an appointment for the mental health test at the VA (Veteran Administration), and Oh boy I'am so happy that I made that decision. Think about this, Jehovah pick me as a elder and I had major mental issues, a 100% disable granted by the VA.
Egyptian Kingdom died 4200 years ago following mega drought.
by James Mixon inwhen was that flood?.
what i don't understand is this, people who make these kinds of discovers still believe in the bible(flood).
apparently egypt was destroyed in the flood and they forgot to mention it or folks were having a lot of babies and rebuiiled egypt in record time.
James Mixon
Yes the Bible truth do not add up with actual truths. The question we must ask ourselves, Egypt Kingdom fell apart 4200 years ago and the flood 4200-5000 years ago the exact time of the flood allow 500 years give or take. Can a empire the size of Egypt develop in 500 years and the same with China???? I'am sure JW's will focus on that.
Egyptian Kingdom died 4200 years ago following mega drought.
by James Mixon inwhen was that flood?.
what i don't understand is this, people who make these kinds of discovers still believe in the bible(flood).
apparently egypt was destroyed in the flood and they forgot to mention it or folks were having a lot of babies and rebuiiled egypt in record time.
James Mixon
Noah" God you told me the whole earth and I come over the hill and I lost my mind, people,pyramids,women,animals I have never seen before,WTH.
GOD: I told you, YOUR world. Who do you think your grandkids will marry, their cousins?
WT 1/2017: "Why is the Bible sometimes misunderstood?"
by Schnufti inthe bible is designed to be understood by those who are humble and willing to learn.
jesus said to his father: “i publicly praise you, father, lord of heaven and earth, because you have carefully hidden these things from wise and intellectual ones and have revealed them to young children.” (luke 10:21) the bible is written in such a way that only those with the right attitude would understand its message.
people with a proud attitude—a common trait of “wise and intellectual ones”—tend to misunderstand the bible.
James Mixon
That's why the WT is against higher eduction, I get it now.
Egyptian Kingdom died 4200 years ago following mega drought.
by James Mixon inwhen was that flood?.
what i don't understand is this, people who make these kinds of discovers still believe in the bible(flood).
apparently egypt was destroyed in the flood and they forgot to mention it or folks were having a lot of babies and rebuiiled egypt in record time.
James Mixon
OK you know where I'm going with this. When was that flood?
What I don't understand is this, people who make these kinds of discovers still believe in the Bible(flood). Apparently Egypt was destroyed in the flood and they forgot to mention it or folks were having a lot of babies and rebuiiled Egypt in record time. Maybe a lot of miracle babies, like Jesus.
The Vietnam War and “Higher Education”
by My Name is of No Consequence ina few weeks ago, i was chatting with a brother who is well into his 80’s.
he went to college, got his bachelor’s degree and was a school teacher for many years.
during that time, he was an elder in his congregation, had many privileges and cared for his young family.
James Mixon
Proverbs 14;15 "A fool will believe any thing, smart people watch their step". I think I will show this to the next JW that knock on my door and see what they think.
The Vietnam War and “Higher Education”
by My Name is of No Consequence ina few weeks ago, i was chatting with a brother who is well into his 80’s.
he went to college, got his bachelor’s degree and was a school teacher for many years.
during that time, he was an elder in his congregation, had many privileges and cared for his young family.
James Mixon
The turbulent 60's most of the brothers that became JW were college educated or had some college experience. That is what impressed me about the religion, but most of those men left years ago. This was the case in my area.My sister started witnesses to me while I was in Viet Nam and began a study with my wife, so my wife was on her way to become a JW when I returned. I went to college after getting out of the Army and do not recall any heat from the Elders, maybe because I was new.